Monday, January 27, 2020

Change management in a police organisation

Change management in a police organisation This essay will analyse a change management situation in a police organisation, namely Strathclyde Police and will compare two approaches to leadership which could be used in the situation and select a suitable approach, drawing a reasoned conclusion on why it is likely to be effective in the situation. The two approaches to leadership under examination will be The Traits Approach and the Contingency Approach. It will select two different inter-personal skills, namely influencing and negotiating, which a leader could use and draw conclusions on how each skill could contribute to the effectiveness of a leader. Finally this essay will use relevant concepts to analyse the role of a leader and suggest and justify actions which a leader could take to ensure all aspects of change are effectively implemented, in doing so this essay will look at such methods as change implementers, Force Field Analysis and PESTEL analysis. Firstly, we must answer the question, what is the difference between leaders and managers? The leader is followed. The manager rules The Difference between Management and Leaders (online) Available at (accessed April 2010) This is a very simplistic definition that portrays an image of a leader making a stand and being followed, through choice by his subordinates or fellow workers whereas with management, subordinates have no choice but to follow him. Kotter (1990) argued that managers and leaders each have three main tasks but they undertake and complete them in entirely different ways. These tasks are: deciding what needs to be done, creating networks of people and relationships that can accomplish the agenda and trying to ensure that people actually do the job. However, Kotter goes on to say that managers and leaders deal with these tasks differently. Zaleznik (1977) thereafter identified 4 areas which followed on from Kotters ideas whereby managers and leaders differed. They are as follows; attitudes towards goals, conceptions of work, relations with others and senses of self, leaders when compared to managers appear to adopt a more personal role. Prentice (1961) stated Leaders achieve goals through their understanding of their fellow workers and their relationships of their individual goals to the groups aim. It should also be noted that managers can be leaders and vice versa. APPROACHES TO LEADERSHIP There are a number of approaches to leadership and this essay will focus on the Contingency Approach and the Traits Approach. The Contingency approach was a continuation of Tannenbaum and Schmidts Continuum of Leadership. It believed that there was not one single style of leadership which was appropriate for every situation a leader could face. Instead the contingency Approach argued that good leadership was dependant upon the situation at hand. The Contingency Theory is to analyse the situation you currently face and select the most appropriate style to deal with the circumstances. This will require the leader to adjust their managerial style with every situation they face. In a policing sense, no two situations faced by a leader will ever be identical and as such no two solutions will be the same. Therefore, a leader within the police service must be able to be fluid in his approach and be able to take cognisance of the situation at hand and be willing to change to deal with it. Situations and circumstances faced by police officers are also ever changing; a solution which was possible one minute earlier may no longer be suitable. Fiedlers (1967) argued that the behaviour of leaders rested on three main factors, known as Fiedlers Contingency model. The factors were; Leader Member relations, this involves the amount of trust between the leader and subordinate and how far team members were willing to follow their leader. Task Structure this covers the extent to which the task is clearly defined and whether there are standard procedures for carrying out the task and the power of the leader for example the power of the leader within the organisation and how they could influence team members. Another mode of the Contingency Theory is Situational Leadership by Hersey and Blanchard (1988) in this form, leadership style takes cognisance of the extent team members are ready to perform a task. There are 4 levels of readiness named R1, R2, R3 and R4. In a policing environment, the follower in R1 could be described as a probationer whereby the follower is unable or unwilling or unable and insecure to follow the task, R2 could be a less competent police officer who is wiling to carryout the task and confident in doing so but is unable to carry it out to the required standard, R3 could be the police officer who is able but unwilling or able but insecure, who perhaps lacks confidence in his own ability, whereas R4 is able, willing and confident in carrying out the task and could be described in a policing term as a senior man figure. Willingness refers to the followers commitment and motivation whereas as insecurity refers to team members who lack confidence in their ability. Hersey and Blanchard state there are two dimensions of leader behaviour, one of which denotes the amount of direction given by the leader to the followers, the other is how much support they offer their followers. There are four leadership styles derived from this which are S1, S2, S3 and S4. S1 is telling or directing little support is offered by the leader but he does offer a great deal of advice and direction. S2 is selling or coaching whereby the leader displays a lot of directing and supporting behaviour as well as support by telling followers what to do and offering them support and encouragement. S3 participating or supporting, the leader gives little direction but offers a lot of encouragement and support by way of communication with team members. S4 delegating, the leader does little in the way of supporting or directing. Different people will react differently to different forms of leadership, and a leader should tailor his style to the individual person he is directing. The Traits Approach argues that there are specific qualities associated with Leadership, whereby leaders can be differentiated from others by the possession of specific characteristics or traits. It is based on the assumption that leaders are born and not made and therefore you can not learn to be a leader but are born with these traits. Many people have attempted to conjure up a definitive list of personal qualities or traits that these great leaders possess. Typical traits include self-confidence, initiative, enthusiasm, integrity, decisiveness, judgement and imagination. The problem with the Traits approach is that it proved impossible to come up with a definite set of traits that could be applied to leadership. It also became apparent in research that successful leaders often had different personalities and traits. As a result of these short comings the Traits Approach fell into disfavour, however, the idea of successful leaders possessing certain qualities is still in survival. INTER-PERSONAL SKILLS AND LEADERSHIP Successful and effective leaders and managers require a range of interpersonal skills. Two particular aspects of inter-personal skills are Influencing trying to get someone to do or think something that they might not have ordinarily done and negotiating making a bargain with others to arrive at a mutually acceptable outcome. This essay will look at these two skills in more detail and draw conclusions on how these skills could contribute to the effectiveness of a leader. It should be noted that these two skills overlap each other however this essay will deal with them as separate entities. Influencing can be said to be the critical skill hat a leader must possess. Influencing is the process in which one person gets another person to do something. There are methods which a leader can use to exert influence, these are known as influence strategies, and there are 6 different ways of classifying influencing strategies Reason, assertion, exchange, courting favour, partnership and coercion. Within a policing environment Reason is probably used most often, whereby using reasoned and logical arguments to convince someone to act or think in accordance with the influencer. Another less positive action used within the police service would be coercion which is using or threatening to use some kind of sanction, either a positive or negative sanction. An example of this would be when Strathclyde police wished to implement a new shift system known as VSA, there was a lot of unhappiness and a refusal to change. As such Strathclyde officers were informed if they did not agree to VSA they would be put back on a very old shift pattern of 7 earlies, 7 lates and 7 nights which was worse than the proposed VSA, as such the Strathclyde officers reluctantly accepted the VSA shifts. Of the 6 influencing strategies all of them except coercion would be classed as pull strategies which mean that they aim to persuade or pull the other party into accepting what the influencer wants. Coercion is a push strategy which means pushing the other party into accepting. The second inter-personal skill we will look at is negotiating. Negotiating is a process of bargaining, the end result is where all the parties involved come to an agreement. Negotiating is a way of resolving differences between people of which there are two factors which can have a considerable effect on negotiations these are, the stages in the negotiating process and negotiating behaviours. The ideal outcome in any negotiation is Win Win this is where both parties win from the negotiations. However there is also Win Lose whereby one party loses and lose lose where both parties are worse off than before they started. There may be situations when the result is a Lose Lose situation where to reach an agreement both parties must compromise and give something up Fisher and Ury (1981) came up with a method called BATNA which stands for Best Alternative to a Negotiated Agreement. BATNA is where a leader chooses not to negotiate if the outcome was to lead to a less favourable outcome than they had hoped for or accept an outcome they feel is unsatisfactory. There are four main processes of negotiation and they aim for a Win Win outcome, these are; preparation, opening phase, getting movement to reach agreement and closing the negotiation. Good negotiators must also adopt behaviours which aid and help negotiations and lose traits which may hinder them. Good negotiators are clear on what they want to achieve and of the final outcome, they are flexible and not tied to one particular outcome and will consider other outcomes and ideas and they work towards a Win Win situation. In a policing sense, negotiations take place between the Police Federation in an internal and external fashion, an external negotiation could be with the Government or an internal negotiations could take place between the Police Federation and Senior Officers. Managers or leaders on a shift may have to negotiate with leaders of other shifts in the same office in order to look after their own staff, an example of this is a local agreement between supervisors that officers attending at work to go to court on their day off get to go home if the shift on duty has adequate numbers and it is not overly busy on their return from court. This is a Win Win situation for all involved. Another example of successful negotiations is CID officers allowing uniformed officers to borrow their unmarked police vehicles when they have spares and all marked cars are being used on the proviso that uniformed officers wash the unmarked CID cars on a Sunday early shift! THE ROLE OF LEADERS IN ORGANISATIONAL CHANGE All organisations have to respond to changes in society, changes in government and changes within society, the police service is no different. Richard Daft (1993) defines organisational change as The adoption of a new idea or behaviour by an organisation it can also be describes as Closing the gap, moving an organisation from its original state to a desired future state because there is a gap between where the organisation is at the moment and where it wants to be and change is needed to fill this gap. Kanter et al (1992) said that different people play different roles in organisational change. There are three different type of people; change strategists or initiators, those who initiate change and set direction for it, these people are normally leaders, there are change implementers those who co-ordinate and carry out the change and are normally managers and change recipients those affected by the change. Organisational change can take place on both a large scale and small scale. Senior (2002) identifies four main types of change; Fine tuning where minor changes are made to ongoing processes, incremental change this involves small scale modifications such as introducing new technology, an example of an incremental change in the police could be the addition of AIRWAVE, modular transformation is a major change centred on one or more departments or divisions such as the recent transformation in Strathclyde police where Divisions and Sub divisions were reshuffled which done away with E and C division and created new sub-divisions throughout the force to bring the beats and sub divisions in line with local council wards, and finally Corporate Transformation which involves a change in the whole organisation, perhaps the appointment of a new Chief Constable to a force or in Strathclyde police the creation of the Major Crime and Terrorism Investigation Unit as a direct response to the Glasg ow airport terror incident. There are different levels of change within an organisation, it can occur at individual, group or the whole organisation. The higher the level of change the harder and longer it will take to implement. Force Field Analysis and was devised in the 1950s by Kurt Lewin and is a technique used far analysing internal and external pressures that can influence any organisational change. It takes cognisance of both forces which may promote change and those which may oppose change. It is more often used in large scale transformative change. The idea of Force Field Analysis is that there will be forces for and against change. Where these forces are equal there will be no change in the organisation. This is called equilibrium. However, change will take place when the driving forces exceed the resisting forces. The advantages of Force field analysis are; it helps to identify all the forces that impact change, it highlights the fact that some forces may be stronger than others, it helps access whether or not an organisation is ready for change, it can be a quick and simple way of assessing whether a suggested change would be a success and it can be used as a guide to action. The disadvantages are it is subjective and it relies on who carries out the force filed analysis, it can be imprecise as the strength of a force can not be accurately judged and it is a snap shot at a point of time and by the time it is implemented it can be out of date. External forces which could lead to an organisational change can be identified using a PESTEL analysis which takes into account the following factors, Political, Economic, Socio-Cultural, technological, Environmental and Legal, however, no such analysis tool exists for internal forces. There can be a lot of resistance to change, the 4 main reasons are; parochial self interest, misunderstanding or lack of trust, different assessments and low tolerance to change. In a policing organisation the biggest resistance could be parochial self interest which means that people resist change as they believe that their position could be at threat and that they will lose out, another example would be misunderstanding or lack of trust, subordinates in the police can be very wary of senior management and may distrust or misunderstand the reasons for change. This can be as a result of a lack of communication between the parties involved. However such resistance can be overcome by education and communication and participation and involvement to name but a few. CONCLUSION To conclude, I feel that the traits approach to leadership is not very valid and suggests that a leader is born and does not learn how to become a leader, the qualities associated with the traits approach are very much needed by a manger in order to lead so there is some benefit to this approach. The contingency approach shows us that not one single style of leadership will suit every situation and that you must be able and willing to change. Situational leadership goes on to show that a leader must also be aware of the skills his officers possess and tailor the advice he offers them to their level, some officers may require more help and guidance than others and a leader must be aware of this. Both influencing and negotiating are vital interpersonal skills for any leader to have but both can be used for negative reasons such as influencing and negotiating another to accept a deal which is unfair to them and a leader must try and not fall into this trap. In order for any organisation to succeed in the future it must move to close any gaps a good tool for any leader to utilise when closing the gap is force field analysis there can be resistance to change but there are many ways in which a leader can move to remove this resistance with the use of education, involvement negotiation and agreement.

Sunday, January 19, 2020

Case: Erik Peterson Essay

Do you think Erik Peterson was an effective leader? Why or why not? I do think Erik Peterson was an effective leader. Erik Peterson was definitely represented good leadership from every aspect of his work. Though at the very beginning, there were a great many problems exsiting in the GMCT and had negative effective on operating, Erik Peterson was trying his best to solve these problems and to some extend, gain some outcomes which revealed Erik Peterson was an effective leader. First Erik Peterson found the chief engineer, Curt Andrews, had a plenty of problems. Erik Peterson noticed that Curt Andrews was lack of administration skills which were required to start up new operation. Erik Peterson made every effort to solve Curt’s problem, such as replaced Curt by someone more capacitive in this position. Eventually, to help Curt improve the planning and coordination, Erik Peterson held one-on-one counseling sessions to show Curt how to plan better. Erik Peterson showed good leadership for the reason that Erik Peterson’s work-facilitation behavior indicated that Erik Peterson was willing to provide mentoring, coaching and counseling to assist employees in developing their skills. Also, Erik Peiterson believed high moral and understanding would encourage people to work as a team and participate more in organization, thus, he held meeting every week in order to let employee to communication and exchange of ideas. Under the Leader- Member exchange Model of Leadership, it was the so called â€Å"in group exchange†. Most employees said the meeting was effective, they found from the meeting, they developed respect, mutual trust and a sense of common partnership. This kind of leadership was effective, employees tended to increase job satisfaction and build more trust for company and coworkers. From the part â€Å"key personnel assignments† we could conclude that Erik Peterson was kind of transactional leadership. He clarified employee’s role, such as he found that Trevor Burns was very bright, knowledgeable and sophisticated and assign him in the management group of GMCT. He found the out what people’s the capacity and strength was and assigned them to the right position. This definitely increased efficiency of the daily work. Meanwhile, Erik Peterson gave positive rewards —-promotion for his secretary based on her good performance on work. As to the salary problem of Trevor Burns, Erik Peterson showed the empathy which was an essential part of emotional intelligence according to the article â€Å"what makes a leader†. Erik Peterson felt uncomfortable when he was hearing Trevor’s salary was 25% less because he believed Trevor deserved it. Then Erik Peterson had a conversation with Trevor concerning the decrease and Trevor, finally accepted the cut of 20%. Erik Peterson was thoughtfully and considering employee’s feeling-along with other factors –in the process of making intelligent decisions. After noticing the initial construction of cellular the not that GMCT’s relationship with four of the towns in the license area, Erik Peterson made every effort to solve these problems. At the same time, Erik Peterson revealed self-aware during his work, which was another important part of emotional intelligence. Erik Peterson recognized the problems about the local utility in getting it to make ready its telephone lines according to the promised schedule. What’s more, Erik Peterson realized the bad relationship between Curt and Trevor. Feeling unable to deal with these problems, Erik Peterson was looking forward to talk with Knight who w the executive to figure out the solution to the problems.. Erik Peterson knew when to ask for help. Also, he had a firm grasp of himself and he would not let him overstretching the assignment. Knight arranged a two day meeting with Erik Peterson, discussing the problems Erik Peterson were facing in his organization. This process may stated in the article â€Å"tipping point leadership† as breaking through the cognitive hurdle. From the meeting, Erik Peterson provided Knight, the executive with the opportunity to had a face-to-face with the problems. In this case, Erik Peterson may be more likely to get help from Knight since Knight might get a profoudining understanding of how serious the problems were and gave Erik Peterson support to overcome these problems in the organization.

Saturday, January 11, 2020

Characteristics of Philosophical Reasoning

How is the use of reasoning into the framework of my thesis research plan? Answer . a. Characteristics of Philosophical Reasoning Before directly answering the questions above, I'll describe a little understanding of philosophical reasoning itself. According JuJunSuriasumantri, Reasoning is a thinking process in drawing a conclusion in the form of knowledge. So reasoning is the thinking process started from empirical observation that produces a number of concepts and understanding. As an activity of thinking reasoning has certain haracteristics.The first feature is a logical thought process, which is defined as logical thinking activities according to certain patterns or in other words according to certain logic. The second characteristic is the nature of the analytical thinking process. Analytic properties are the consequence of the existence of a certain thought pattern. The analysis is essentially an activity of thinking based on certain measures. Also according to JintutNocturna, the characteristics of reasoning that is thorough, fundamental, and speculative. The nature of its thinking is comprehensive.A philosopher does not know the content of science is only from the perspective of science itself, but they wanted to see the nature of science in the perspective of others. They wanted to connect science with other aspects. They wanted to know the relation of science to morals and regard science with religion. They wanted to believe what science knows that can bring benefit or not. That is the idea that broad because it does not have limit itself and not Just in terms of one particular viewpoint. Thought philosophical want to know the relationship between sciences with others science, relationships between moral cience, art and life goals.The nature of its thinking is fundamental. A philosopher does not believe it the truth the knowledge gained. They were always in doubt and questioning: Why science can be called the true? How the assessment process based on these criteria is? Is the criterion true? Then what is its own right? Like a circle and any questions always arise continuously. That is, thinking until the results of a fundamental or essential objectscan be learned for all the rationale and scientific value. So, do not Just stop at peripheries(skin), but penetrating into its depths. The ature of its thinking is speculative.Philosophers speculate on the truth. Speculative nature of it, is also a philosopher continue to test and then gave birth to a knowledge and can answer the question of the validity of the trust. Based on the characteristics is an activity that uses the potential for the widest possible sense and freely without being limited by anything radically, systematically, universal and comprehensive as well as speculative and fundamental in revealing the nature of a truth. It is the ideas obtained and provide a basis for further thinking. The results of its thought were lways intended as a basis for exploring a new area of knowledge.Based on characteristics of the philosophy of the above , it can be concluded that philosophy is an activity that uses the broadest reasonable potential and freely without being restricted by anything radically,sistematic universal , comprehensive and non- speculative and fundamental in nature reveals the truth . That is, the ideas that come form the basis for further thoughts . The results of his thought was always intended as a basis for exploring new areas of knowledge. In the preparation of the thesis , ust be based on scientific studies that can be proven.Scientific knowledge is based A. Ontology Ontology is a branch of philosophy that talks about that there . In terms of science , the foundation of ontology questioned about objects that can be studied by science , what its essential form , and how it relates to human perception such as thinking , feeling , and clicking sense led to knowledge. Ontology is the study of objects that are not visible on one particular embodiment , which discusses that there are universal , that is trying to find a core that is loaded every fact which encompasses all of reality n all its forms .The existence of all things is an aspect of reality that transcends all differences between the objects and living beings , between the types and individuals . Of the discussion raises some views that are grouped into multiple streams of thought namely Materialism Flow is said that the essence of everything that exists is matter . Something there ( le material ) may only born there. Idealism(spiritualism) This stream replied weaknesses of materialism , which says that it is precisely the nature of spiritual beings (spiritual ) . Is the idea that spiritual world is more real han the material .Dualism The flow of material and wanted to unite the ideas , which argues that the essence of beings ( the fact ) in this universe is composed of two sources , namely the material and the spiritual Agnosticism This flow is the opinion o f the philosophers who take a skeptical attitude , which is free of any answers that may be true and it may not. B. Epistemology Object study epistemology is questioning how something is coming and how to find out, how to differentiate with others . So with regard to the circumstances of time and space about something .Epistemological foundation is what allows the process of getting knowledge of logic , ethics , aesthetics , and the procedure how to obtain scientific truth , moral goodness and beauty of art , and what is the definition . Examines moral epistemology about the epistemic evaluation of moral Judgment and moral theories. In epistemology appears multiple streams of thought,namely : Meaningful experience ( emperies ) , where human knowledge acquired from sensory experience . Rationalism Without denying the huge benefits of sensory experiences in human life , but the erception of the senses is only used to stimulate the intellect .So the sense is above the sensory experienc e and emphasize the deductive method. Positivism A synthesis of empiricism and rationalism . By taking the point of departure from empiricism , but have sharpened the experiment , which is able to objectively determine the validity and reliability of knowledge . Intuitionism Intuition is not the same as feeling , however, is the result of understanding the evolution of high that only human . The ability to understand the full truth , which is fixed and unique . C. Axiology Axiology is the philosophical value . This aspect is related to the value of the (1 ) good and bad , and (2) beautiful and ugly .The first category of category : value under the study of philosophy called ethics or behavior , while the second category is the object of the study of philosophy or aesthetic beauty. Ethics also called moral philosophy ethics ( moral philosophy) , which comes from the word ethos ( Greek ) which means character . Moral derived from the word mos or mores ( Latin ) which means habit . In the Indonesian term is defined moral or ethical decency . Material object of ethics is human behavior or actions , being the object of a formal ethics is good or bad , moral or immoral. Human morality is the object of study ethic that has aged very long .Since human society is formed , which is in accordance with the behavioral issues of morality have been discussed . Associated with it , then came two theories that explain how a behavior that can be measured ethically . The theory in question is Deontological and Theological . a. Deontological . Deontological theories inspired by the thought of Immanuel Kant , who seem rigid , onservative and preserve the status quo , which states that the merits of a behavior is assessed in terms of the act itself , and not the result . A good behavior if that behavior fit the existing norms . b.Theological Theological theory more emphasizing results . A piece of good behavior if the behavior is much more profitable than harm , where gains and los ses are seen from the indicators of human interest . This theory raises two views , namely egoism and utilitarianism ( utilisme ) . People who teach is Jeremy Bentham (1742 – 1832) , which is then corrected by John Stuart Mill ( 1806-1873 ) . ?Aesthetics Aesthetics are also called beauty philosophy ( philosophy of beauty) , which is derived from the word aisthetika or aisthesis ( Greek ) which means that the things that can be perceived by the senses or sensory perception .Discuss aesthetic issues related to critical reflection on values over something called Indak or not beautiful . On the way from the era of ancient Greek philosophy until now appears the question of aesthetics , namely : what is the question that beauty , the beauty that is both objective and subjective , the beauty of the size , the role of beauty in human life and he beauty of the relationship with the truth .So the question was being debated attractive especially if it is associated with religion and the values of decency , because they never reach completion. b. How to Use On Such reasoning In My Thesis Research Plan? From the description of the reasoning characteristics above can be described that in scientific research on my thesis should refer to the three scientific studies that can be proved. Scientific knowledge based on ontology, Epistemology and Axiology.In this case I plan on studying†The Use of Portfolio Assessment in English Language Course of Samarinda Polytechnic Students† In this case, first of all I relate my research to the study of ontology in relation to science, the foundation of ontology questioned about the objects studied by science, how is the essential form, and how it relates to human perception in the form of thinking, feeling, and senses that produce the knowledge.Here, I will review first the definition of the assessment itself, including the types of assessment that exist in the world of education, then I describe of these species leads to the portfolio assessment and its definition. After that I gave evidence o the theory of portfolio assessment that has been around for examples of this include also the terms of portfolio assessment itself. After reviewing the terms of ontology, I will review my research in terms of epistemology.ObJect of the study in epistemology is questioning how something is coming and how to find out, how to distinguish with the other. So this part will deal with regard to the circumstances of space and time about something. The cornerstone of epistemology is what is the process to get the knowledge by logic, ethics, aesthetics, and the procedure and how o obtain scientific truth, moral goodness also beauty of art, and what the definition. Epistemic moral of epistemology examines the evaluation of moral judgments andmoral theories.From the foundation of epistemology above, I can describe my research on these processes in which this study took place during the assessment was given in one semester and then the results are measured from the students who follow courses in English. From the view of epistemology, my scientific research shows how the sequence of events and portfolio assessment process was ut in place, and inside there are also barriers faced by faculty and students in the provision of portfolio assessment and also the excess deficiency.Assessment indicators are also included in the review epistemology which I will discuss in my research. The third study that will be entered in my thesis that scientific research based on the view of Axiology. Axiology is the philosophical value. Aspects of this value is related to the following categories: (1) good and bad, and (2) beautiful and ugly. The first category of value under the study of philosophy called ethics or ehavior, while the second category is an object of the study of philosophy or aesthetic beauty.In relation to my thesis of scientific research, which involves study of axiology or the value of research results to the people, in this case the use of portfolios can provide benefits and can be used in the assessing of English language and be reviewed again if it can increase the score of the English language Samarinda Polytechnic Students. In addition, my research is certainly has the weaknesses that can be added to further research in subsequent studies, so that the value and enefits of this research is philosophically continues to grow and not static at one JuJun S, Suriasumantri, Filsafat Ilmu, Sebuah Pengantar Populer.

Thursday, January 2, 2020

Vanessa and Disegregated Schools - 1193 Words

â€Å".... I would have liked to have experienced the all black school, I enjoy my people.† Vanessa Warren is addressing the integration of the public schools in the late 1960’s. Warren was born on January 17, 1958 in Lancaster, Kentucky to Madison and Anna Warren. Her father worked in a sewage treatment plant and her mother worked as cafeteria worker in the public schools. Vanessa Warren started attending school the year of integration in the Garrard County school system, while her two older sisters had the opportunity to attend the segregated schools. There is a common belief that all African Americans wanted to wanted complete integration from public water fountains to public school systems. In the south the father racism outside of racism were Jim Crow laws, his son was â€Å"separate but equal†. This gave birth to the idea of legal segregation. The idea of a separate but equal society had been deemed acceptable by the United States Supreme Court case of Ple ssy v. Ferguson. However, as seen with Warren’s statement this is was not necessarily the case. In the 1980’s a perpetuation theory was developed that examined the probable cause for this anti-desegregation thinking within some African American students. The perpetuation theory is based around the idea of African Americans perpetually segregating themselves from a lack experience in a desegregated environment. In the absence of this knowledge these students begin to underestimate and overestimate the hostility of